Dry Fly Recipes!
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- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 10 - 20
- Thread - black
- Tail - grizzly and brown hackle fibers mixed
- Body - dubbed muskrat belly
- Wings - grizzly hackle tips
- Hackle - grizzly and brown mixed
Comments - If one is lucky enough today to find muskrat belly, to use it the tyer needs to remove all guard hair and then shear it. Fortunately, there are many sources of Adam's body dubbing in ready to use form.
Hackle tips may not be easy to come by. Substitutes include grizzly hen hackle tips and cut wings (from grizzly body feathers, hen backs, large hen neck feathers and the like), the latter not being one of our favorites.
The Female Adams is tied the same except that a butt of yellow poly yarn is tied in before the grey body to represent the egg sac.
Ant - Black
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 14 - 20
- Thread - black
- Abdomen - black fur dubbing-formed into a hump
- Hackle - black in middle of hook
- Thorax - black rabbit fur-formed into a lump
Bivisible - Brown
- Hook - standard dry fly 10 - 14
- Thread - black
- Tail - brown hackle fibers
- Body - brown hackle palmered-heavy
- Hackle - cream
Bivisible - Dun
- Hook - standard dry fly 10 - 14
- Thread - black
- Tail - dun hackle fibers
- Body - dun hackle palmered-heavy
- Hackle - cream
Black Gnat
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 12 - 20
- Thread - black
- Tail - black hackle fibers
- Body - dyed black rabbit (or poly yarn)
- Wings -grey duck quills
- Hackle - natural or dyed black
Blue Dun
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 10 - 16
- Thread - grey
- Tail - dun hackle fibers
- Body - muskrat belly fur
- Wings - mallard wing
- Hackle - blue dun
Comments - Any body dubbing used for the Adams is useful for the Blue Dun.
Blue Quill
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 12 - 18
- Thread - black
- Tail - dun hackle fibers
- Body - stripped peacock quill
- Wings - mallard wing
- Hackle - blue dun
Blue Wing Olive
Hook - standard dry fly sizes 12 - 20
- Thread - olive
- Tail - dark dun hackle fibers
- Body - medium olive rabbit dubbing
- Wings -grey duck quills
- Hackle - dark dun hackle
Brown Drake
Hook - standard dry fly sizes 6 - 16
- Thread - brown
- Tail - moose body hair
- Rib - yellow floss
- Body - olive rabbit fur
- Wings - light elk hair
- Hackle - dyed yellow tan hackle fibers (light ginger can be substituted)
Cricket - Letort
- Hook - dry fly 2X sizes 12 - 16
- Thread - black
- Body - black rabbit fur
- Wings - black goose quill
- Overwing - black deer hair
- Head - black deer hair spun and clipped
- Legs - black pheasant barbules (optional)
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 10 - 14
- Thread - grey
- Tail - light dun hackle fibers
- Body - mixed muskrat and hare's ear
- Wings - grey duck quills
- Hackle - light dun and dark ginger mixed
Dark Cahill
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 102- 18
- Thread - tan
- Tail - dark ginger hackle fibers
- Body - grey muskrat fur
- Wings - lemon woodduck flank
- Hackle - dark ginger
Dark Hendrickson
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 12- 18
- Thread - grey
- Tail - dark blue dun hackle fibers
- Body - grey muskrat back fur
- Wings - lemon woodduck flank
- Hackle - dark dun
Eastern Green Drake
- Hook - 2X dry fly sizes 8 - 12
- Thread - cream
- Tail - woodduck flank feathers-long
- Body - very pale yellow rabbit dubbing tending towards a dark cream
- Wings - mallard flank feather lightly barred
- Hackle - cream badger
Elk Hair Caddis - Tan
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 12 - 18
- Thread - tan
- Body - hare's ear dubbing
- Rib - fine gold wire
- Wings - light elk hair
- Hackle - brown palmered over body
Comments - Wire is tied in at hook bend hackle in front. Hackle is palmered back and secured with wire which is then ribbed forward. Most tyers today omit the rib and use a tan rabbit dubbing for the body. Other elk hair caddis patterns are similar except the body color and thread color are changed-e.g., olive, gray and brown elk hair caddis.
Fluttering Caddis - Gray
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 12 - 18
- Thread - black
- Body - muskrat back fur
- Wings - gray hackle barbules or gray mink guard hairs
- Hackle - medium dun
Comments - A number of fluttering caddis patterns can be tied by varying the above recipe-cream, tan, ginger, black, dark dun, etc.
Gray Quill
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 12 - 18
- Thread - gray
- Tail - med dun hackle fibers
- Body - badger hackle stem stripped
- Wings - lemon woodduck flank
- Hackle - med dun
Comments - Grizzly hackle may be substituted for tail fibers and hackle.
Gray Fox
Hook - standard dry fly sizes 12 - 14
- Thread - pale yellow
- Tail - light ginger
- Body - sandy red fox fur
- Wings - mallard flanks
- Hackle - light ginger and light grizzly mixed
Henryville Special
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 12 - 20
- Thread - olive
- Body - light olive fur or floss
- Rib - grixxly hackle palmered over body-barbs slightly smaller than hook gap
- Wings - woodduck flank under with mallard quill slips tied tent style
- Hackle - dakr ginger
- Head - brown thread wraps
Dave's Hopper
- Hook - dry fly 2X sizes 4 - 12
- Thread - gray
- Tail - red deer hair and small loop of yellow yarn
- Body - yellow wool yarn
- hackle - brown palmered over body and clipped
- Underwing - yellow calftail
- Wing - mottled turkey lacquered
- Legs - dyed yellow grizzly hackle stems clipped and knotted
- Collar - matural light deer hair spun
- Head - natural light deer hair spun and clipped
Humpy - Black
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 8 - 14
- Thread - black
- Tail - moose body hair
- Shellback - deer hear
- Body - black floss
- Hackle - brown & grizzly
Isonychia (eye' sun i kee' ya) Bicolor
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 10 - 14
- Thread - brown
- Tail - dun hackle fibers
- Body - chestnut brown dubbing with a hint of purple
- Wings - mallard flanks
- Hackle - light ginger and med. dun mixed
Light Cahill
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 10 - 20
- Thread - pale yellow (or cream)
- Tail - light ginger hackle fibers
- Body - cream under fur of the red fox
- Wings - lemon woodduck sides
- Hackle - light ginger
Comments - Fortunately there are many sources of prepared light Cahill body dubbing as the supply of cream (red) fox fur is at an all time low. Mallard flanks dyed woodduck are suitable substitutes for the lemon woodduck wings.
March Brown (American)
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 10 - 14
- Thread - tan
- Tail - ginger hackle fibers
- Body - sandy under fur from red fox
- Wings - lemon woodduck
- Hackle - grizzly and dark ginger (lt brown) mixed
Comments - There are many sandy fox subsitiutes on the market. Dark ginger (hackles) is the common color of genetic hackle termed brown - use as light a shade as possible. The darker barring and color of the natual woodduck better imitate the wings of this fly than do the dyed mallard substitutes that are commonly available.
Midge - Cream
- Hook - dry fly sizes 18 - 28
- Thread - white
- Tail - cream hackle fibers
- Body - cream rabbit dubbing
- Hackle - cream hackle
Comments - black, ginger, gray and olive midges are tied the same except the colors are changed as appropriate.
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 12 - 20
- Thread - black
- Tail - grizzly hackle fibers
- Body - light and dark moose mane wrapped in alternate color bands
- Wings - grizzly hackle tips
- Hackle - grizzly
Comments - This original mosquito pattern has stood the test of time.
Pale Evening Dun
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 14 - 20
- Thread - cream
- Tail - light dun hackle fibers
- Body - pale yellow rabbit dubbing
- Wings - light dun hackle tips
- Hackle - medium dun
Pale Morning Dun
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 12 - 18
- Thread - cream
- Tail - pale dun
- Body - cream rabbit dubbing
- Wings - light dun hackle tips
- Hackle - pale dun
Pink Lady
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 12 -16
- Thread - cream
- Tail - gold pheasant tippets
- Rib - fine flat tinsel gold
- Body - pink floss
- Wings - grey duck quills
- Hackle - golden badger
Quill Gordon
- Hook - standard dry fly 12 - 16
- Thread - black
- Tail - dark dun hackle fibers
- Body - stripped peacock quill (lacquered)
- Rib - fine gold wire
- Wings - woodduck
- Hackle - dark blue dun
Comments - If the wire is wrapped in the direction opposite which the quill is wrapped, it will provide for a stronger tied fly.
Red Quill
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 12 - 16
- Thread - grey
- Tail - bronze dun hackle fibers
- Body - coachman brown hackle stem stripped
- Wings - lemon woodduck
- Hackle - medium bronze dun
Comments - Bronze dun is nearly impossible to find. Look for a medium dun cape with as much brown tone as possible.
- Hook - standard dry fly 6 - 18
- Thread - black
- Tip - fine flat gold tinsel
- Body - peacock herl
- Rear Hackle - brown
- Front Hackle - white
Royal Coachman
- Hook - standard dry fly 10 - 16
- Thread - black
- Tail - gold pheasant tippets
- Body - peacock herl and red floss
- Wings - white duck quill
- Hackle - chocolate brown
Comments - Good quality chocolate brown hackle is available only in imported hackle capes and generally is of poorer quality. Be sure to specify when purchasing hackle for this fly - as dark brown as possible and do not be too disappointed if you get a lighter shade. Commercial Royal Coachman flies are generally tied today with run of the mill brown hackle. The body has in sequence from tail a peacock herl band, a red floss band and another peacock herl band up next to the wings. Often, the wings have for substitutes - white woodduck breast feathers (fan-wing royal coachman) or white calf tail or white calf body hair (hair-wing royal coachman).
Rusty Spinner
- Hook - 3X fine dry fly sizes 12 - 24
- Thread - wtan
- Tail - medium dun hackle fibers
- Body - rusty brown rabbit dubbing
- Wings - light gray poly yarn tied spent
Comment - for a really bright easy to see and attractive spinner, replace the poly yarn wings with pearl krystal flash.
Stimulator - orange
- Hook - dry fly 2X sizes 6 - 8
- Thread - fl. fire-orange
- Tail - elk hair dyed black
- Rib - fine gold wire and dark dun hackle
- Body - orange dubbing (the shinier the better) or orange antron yarn
- Wings - elk hair
- Head - fire-orange dubbing (shiny - antron or similar material)
- Hackle - grizzly wrapped over head
Stimulator - Olive
- Hook - dry fly 2X sizes 6 - 16
- Thread - fl. fire-orange
- Tail - elk hair
- Rib - brown hackle palmered and counter wound with fine gold wire
- Body - olive dubbing (shiny - antron or similar material)
- Wings - grey elk hair
- Head - amber dubbing (shiny - antron or similar material)
- Hackle - grizzly wrapped over head
Sulfur Dun
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 16 - 18
- Thread - cream
- Tail - light dun hackle fibers
- Body - light yellow dubbing (sandy, tan)
- Wings - cream hen hackle tips (optional - not shown)
- Hackle - light dun
Western Green Drake
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 10 - 12
- Thread - olive
- Tail - moose body hair
- Body - olive rabbit dubbing
- Rib - light olive floss
- Wings - moose body hair
- Hackle - grizzly dyed olive
White Miller
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 10 - 26
- Thread - white
- Tail - white hackle fibers
- Body - white dubbing or floss
- Rib - fine silver wire or tinsel
- Wings - white duck quills
- Hackle - white hackle.
Wulff - Ausable
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 8 - 14
- Thread - fire-orange
- Tail - moose body hair
- Body - bleached australian opossum (cream/rusty/tan dubbing)
- Wings - white calf tail (or white calf body hair)
- Hackle - brown and grizzly mixed (or cree)
Wulff - Blonde
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 4 - 14
- Thread - black
- Tail - light tan elk
- Body - light tan rabbit fur
- Wings - light tan elk
- Hackle - light ginger
Wulff - Grey
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 8 - 14
- Thread - black
- Tail - natural brown bucktail
- Body - muskrat (dark - back fur)
- Wings - natural brown bucktail
- Hackle - medium dun
Wulff - Royal
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 8 - 18
- Thread - black
- Tail - natural brown bucktail
- Butt - peacock herl
- Body - Red Floss
- Shoulder - peacock herl
- Wings - white calf tail (or white calf body hair)
- Hackle - dark brown hackle
Wulff - White
- Hook - standard dry fly sizes 6 - 16
- Thread - white
- Tail - white calf tail or body hair
- Body - White rabbit dubbing
- Wings - white calf tail (or white calf body hair)
- Hackle - cream badger